This blog is for gardeners above, beyond, and below the surface. For those interested in botanical names, inventories, collection and else.

Not recommended for gardeners depending only on nurseries for the practice.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dipteracanthus prostratus Eureka!

DURING March 2010, I thought I had found the botanical name, of this known plant in India, in a  now dead blog, from a national from that country.

I had to wait until now to find the correct name: Dipteracanthus prostratus or Ruellia prostrata, instead of Dipterantus prostratus as I thought it was from the mentioned blog.

At any rate these varieties grow wild, considered a weed in every context.  I have domesticated them and are among the most important in my collection.

Not only because they self seed, but no one that I know, plants them, and you can not get them from nurseries.

So there. The name will be added to the collection inventory previously provided. 

That is that.